Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Something's missing here ...

I didn't do any traditional exercise today.  Instead, I joined two awesome women to go antiquing in Lincoln, which is about two hours from here.  I will admit, I was a bit nervous about the trip, for three reasons:
  1. I was meeting one of the women for the first time, and I didn't want to come off like either a big dork (which I am) or someone who can't control her crazy self in public (which I am);
  2. I was taking The Munchkin, and a two-hour car ride one way is daunting enough, but add in a day sitting in her stroller all day, and it's bound to get messy; and
  3. I know how my back, legs and knees feel after sitting in the car for twenty minutes, let alone two hours.
However, because I had already committed (and let's face it, I hate backing out of things for stupid reasons such as the ones listed above), I went anyway.  Met the girls at 9:30 and got on the road.  We stopped around noon to eat lunch and feed the kids (the "new" girl has a son the same age as The Munchkin), and got to the fairgrounds about 1:30pm or so.  Did about 4 hours of antiquing (which is TOTALLY different here than in the States ... I seriously enjoyed myself), got back in the car for an hour, stopped for dinner, then got home at about 8:15pm.  A long day, to be sure.  The Munchkin did very well, except for a short stint of screaming on the way home.  Add in all that standing at the antiques market, and I was certain that I was going to have to ice my knees down and take about four Aleve in order to be able to move tomorrow.

But I've been home for an hour now, and I just realized that there's no pain in my knees.  Well, maybe they're a little stiff, but not painful.  I don't think this is the result of only three days' worth of exercise, especially considering I haven't really done all that much.  But I was very surprised when I realized this.

I just wanted to tell this story as a positive occurrence.  I know that I may not feel like I'm doing a whole lot, but when I start forgetting that parts of me had once been painful, I count that as a point in my favor.


  1. Yay, I am on the weight loss journey as well and I'm so excited to read about yours! I blog too but i'm WAY too random to make it about something specific! Keep up the good work! I am very interested to keep reading!

  2. That sounds like an awesome day!

  3. You could be the next Julie (of Julie & Julia fame) - your blogs are really great, and I'm not just saying that because I'm your sister. Keep it up - it will pay off in HUGE dividends!

  4. Everyday that you do more than sitting around doing NOTHING, is a positive day! I am quite proud of you. You can inspire me to do the same when the dr releases me to do so.
    I also want to learn to antique the British way when I come over.
    By the way, you are very witty!

  5. Three things:
    1. You are not a big dork!
    2. You are not a public dork!
    3. You are exercising anytime you are doing
    anything besides being a couch potato.
    Sounds like you had a great day! I too would like to know more about antiquing UK style!
    I like your writing style!
