Monday, October 1, 2012

Back on track

Got out and did a little walking today.  And I do mean "a little" ... I kept a pretty moderate 3mph pace and walked two miles in 40 minutes.  But I think the thing that shocked me was not that I actually felt like I got a workout (because I did, albeit a very light one), but that I wasn't completely and totally winded.  I know that sounds weird, so as my mom would say, lemme 'splain.  Five months ago, if I had been forced to take a three-week hiatus from walking, the first day back would have been TORTURE.  I would have been puffing for breath, my knees and ankles would have been screaming in pain, and I would have been cursing like a sailor the entire time (in my head, of course).  Today, though, NONE of that.  I am truly amazed.  No doubt it's because I'm carrying around less weight than I was five months ago.  It makes me want to cancel the massage I have scheduled for Wednesday just so I can get back on the track and do it again.  I won't, because HELLO--MASSAGE! But it makes me want to, and I should get points for that, right?

I don't have anything to do tomorrow morning, though ... Maybe I can bribe the Munchkin with some sort of goodie if she'll sit in her stroller and let me push her around the track.  Hmm ...


  1. I am so proud of you. I am going through the same process. i was 200bs from my fractured neck and tore out shoulders sitting for 4 years i have lost to about your red shirt size..i know i am almost there but it is the last few miles that seem the hardest..congrats
    susan s.

    1. Congratulations on your losses! I know it gets hard on that home stretch ... I'm not looking forward to that. But I *am* looking forward to getting into size 10 jeans again! :-)

  2. awesome! i just started 2 weeks ago with weight watchers, and have lost 10 lbs so far. walking 3 days a week, about 3 miles has helped a lot. have a lot to go, about 75 lbs, at least. so keep up the awesome job!

    1. Thanks Jess ... Great job on your 10lbs so far! Keep on pluggin' and the weight will disappear!
